Righty-O! If you are like me a busy Mum you are just about out of ideas for Lunchboxes. Yesterday I made a batch of Homemade LCMs, today my boys asked me for double as all their friends wanted them too. My youngest, Mr 11 also asked me for a batch of Honey Joys. So it got me to thinking of all the yummy Sweet Treats I haven’t made in ages for the kid’s lunchbox. Here are 4 of their favourites, they also make an appearance on their birthday party tables.
Not new, but quick, easy and absolutely DELICIOUS!
Homemade LCMs

Homemade LCMs lunchbox
I have absolutely no idea what LCM stands for, so here is my version of homemade Little Crunchy Munchies!
Makes 16
- 250g marshmallows
- 90g unsalted butter, coarsely chopped
- 4 cups rice bubbles
- 155g rainbow chocolate chips (mini ones found in the baking isle of a supermarket)
Line a 20cm x 30cm rectangular tray with baking paper.
Combine marshmallows and butter in a large bowl.
Microwave in 30 second increments until melted.
Quickly add the rice bubbles and 1/3 the chocolate chips; stir, mixing well.
Press the mixture firmly into the tray, then sprinkle with rainbow chocolate chips.
Refrigerate 2 hours or until firm before cutting.

Honey Joys lunchbox
Makes 24
- 4 cups cornflakes
- 120g butter, chopped
- 2 tablespoons honey
- 1/3 cup caster sugar
Preheat oven to 160C fan-forced.
Arrange 24 patty papers on a tray.
Place butter, honey and sugar in a saucepan over medium-low heat, stirring until butter has melted and mixture is smooth.
Add the cornflakes and mix well to combine.
Spoon mixture evenly between patty papers.
Bake for 10 minutes or until golden.
Stand for 10 minutes or until cool.
EverYonE EnJoYs HonEY JoYs!
Chocolate Crackles

Chocolate Crackles lunchbox
Makes 16
- 200g milk chocolate
- 90g butter
- 3 cups coco pops (or Rice Bubbles)
In a large bowl, microwave the chocolate and butter in 30-second increments, stirring after each until nice and smooth.
Set aside and cool.
Meanwhile, line two mini-muffin trays with cupcake papers.
Stir the coco pops into the melted chocolate, coating thoroughly.
Divide the yummy mixture evenly among the papers and refrigerate for 2 hours to set.
Lightly Salty Lightly Sweet POPCORN

Lightly Salty Lightly Sweet Popcorn lunchbox
This is possibly the healthiest version of homemade sweet & salty popcorn I’ve ever made. You increase or decrease the butter, honey and salt depending on how you and your family enjoy it.
Serves 8
- ¼ cup yellow popping corn
- 1 teaspoon butter
- 1 tablespoon honey
- ¼ teaspoon vanilla
Add corn to a standard lunch-size brown paper bag and fold the top of the bag over twice, pressing the fold tightly so the bag stays closed.
Microwave the paper bag for 2 – 2 ½ minutes or until there is a 5-second pause between pops.
Remove the bag from the microwave and transfer to a large bowl.
In a small microwave-safe dish, heat butter, honey and vanilla with a good pinch of sea salt in microwave for 30-seconds or until butter is melted and honey is just bubbling.
Pour the buttery mixture over the popcorn, tossing to coat.
Season with additional salt, if needed.
Check out more delicious lunchbox recipes here!