Competition Terms & Conditions


“Competition Rules” means the individual competition requirements and details specified for that particular competition.
“Entry Content” means your entry submitted or proposed to be submitted to a competition and all property and material included that forms part of your entry including all photographs, images, words, concepts or ideas.
“We”, “us” or “our” means
“Entrant” or “you” means you as an eligible entrant to the competition.


We encourage you to carefully review the individual competition requirements and details (“Competition Rules”) for each competition before registering or submitting an entry since each competition may have unique eligibility requirements, methods of entry, content and technical requirements.

All our competitions are skill-based and are governed by these Competition Terms as well as the specific Competition Rules. If there are any inconsistencies between the clauses in these Competition Terms and the specific Competition Rules, these Competition Terms will govern.

By entering any competition, you agree to the Competition Terms and Competition Rules for each competition in which you choose to participate. The Competition Rules may vary for each competition and you are required to read the Competition Rules for each competition before you participate.


To enter the promotion, eligible entrants must comply with entry terms and conditions contained in the Competition Rules and the Competition Terms. Entry into any competition constitutes acceptance of Competition Rules and Competition Terms.

You must be over the age of 18 years of age at the time of lodging your Entry Content in any competition and a legal resident of Australia.

An eligible entrant may enter the competition by submitting their details and Entry Content in the manner outlined in the Competition Rules. Entry may be dependent on the Entrant subscribing to email newsletters, a Facebook ‘like’ or other requirement as specified in the individual Competition Rules.

Only one entry permitted per person.

We reserve the right to disqualify any Entry Content or Entrants that we believe have an unfair advantage or if we feel the entry submission may not be original, unique, or may breach any legislation, regulation or any of our terms. We have the sole and absolute discretion to disqualify and terminate an Entrant from any further and future competitions for breach of any of the Competition Rules and/or Competition Terms at any time.


All Entry Content must be original, unique and belong solely to you. You must own all copyright in any material that forms part of the entry Content, including but not limited to the images, words, ideas and concepts. You agree to ensure that any Entry Content that you create does not contain any content that is obscene, offensive, defamatory, breaches any law or regulation or breaches any duty or obligation owed to a third party or infringes any rights of a third party.

By entering any of our competitions, displaying, publishing, or otherwise posting any Entry Content on or through our website, you hereby grant to us a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty free, worldwide license to use, adapt, publicly display, sublicense, modify, create derivative works and distribute such Entry Content without the requirement to make payment to you or any third party or the need to seek any third-party permission.

Entry details will be used for the purposes of the competition and may be used for further marketing activities. The winners agree to the use of their name, image and photograph(s) for publicity and promotional purposes, without compensation.

All entries will be judged based on literary and creative merit as well as originality. In the event that the Entry Content is not unique, original and/or if we have reason to believe it is not owned by you, we reserve the right, in our sole and absolute discretion, to remove your Entry Content from the competition and you forfeit the right any prize or compensation.

In addition, we reserve the right to disqualify or reject any Entry Content that, in our sole and absolute discretion, we determine does not meet the Competition Rules criteria.

Your Entry Content is your responsibility. We have no responsibility or liability for it, or for any loss or damage your Entry Content may cause to you or other people. Although we have no obligation to do so, we have the absolute discretion to remove any Entry Content posted or stored on the website, and we may do this at any time and for any reason. You are solely responsible for maintaining copies of and replacing any Entry Content you post or store on the website.


From time to time, we may use social media such as Facebook and Twitter to advertise or promote our website and competitions. Entrants acknowledge that all Entry Content that may be posted on Facebook must be in accordance with Facebook terms.. Entry and continued participation in any competition is dependent on Entrants following and acting in accordance with the Facebook Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. Any and all of our competitions are in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook. Entrants understand that they are providing their information to and not to Facebook. The information an Entrant provides will only be used for the purposes outlined in these Condition Terms and any Condition Rules. Any questions, comments or complaints about any competition must be directed to us and not to Facebook.

Entrants acknowledge that all Entry Content published on Twitter must be in accordance with Twitter Rules.


Each prize must be taken as stated and no compensation will be payable if a winner is unable to use the prize as stated. Each prize is not transferable to another person (unless agreed to by us in writing) or exchangeable for other goods and services and cannot be redeemed for cash. Any element of a prize that is unused will be forfeited.

We do not guarantee the availability of prizes advertised through this website or associated newsletter emails. In the event that any component of a prize is unavailable for any reason, subject to relevant State and Territory legislation, we reserve the right to substitute that prize component with another prize or component of equal or higher value and the winner will be notified accordingly. We recommend that before entering any competition, survey or other activity posted on this site or associated newsletter emails, you should verify any important information, such as Competition Rules.

We accept no responsibility for any variation in the prize values. The prize values are stated in Australian dollars as at the time of publication of the competition. We accept no responsibility for any tax implications that may arise from the prize winnings and all entrants are responsible for their own financial situation as a result of any prize or winnings. Your own independent financial advice should be sought.


Winners will be notified in writing in accordance with the Competition Rules and by the information provided by the Entrant.

Prizes must be picked up and shipped by the date specified in competition rules. Winners are required to pay for any shipping, handling, taxes or any ancillary costs associated with the prize, where stated in any Competition Rules.

If the prize is not claimed or winner does not respond or claim the prize by time specified in notification or in competition terms, the right to the prize is forfeited. We then reserve the right to give the prize to the next winning entry or not award the prize at all as we determine.

The judges’ decision is final and binding. No correspondence or discussions will be entered into about the winner or individual entries.


We do not sell any of the products shown as prizes on our site or in any associated newsletter emails. All products are purchased from or supplied directly from third parties as indicated in accordance with the individual Competition Rules.

In addition, we are not responsible for any liability related to the products, their delivery or transaction. Any late delivery or prizes damaged in transit are the responsibility of the supplier or producer of the prize unless otherwise stated in the Competition Rules. Any issues, faults, complaints or queries must be taken up with the supplier or producer of the prize directly. We are in no way responsible for any issues or queries you may have in relation to any of the prizes.


We are not liable for any loss or damage whatsoever which is suffered, including but not limited to special, indirect, consequential loss or for personal injury suffered or sustained as a result of taking or using any prize, except for any liability that cannot be excluded by law.

In addition, we will not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever resulting from incorrect details lodged by entrants. We cannot be held responsible for any late entries, lost entries or any prizes that may be lost or damaged in transit.

We reserve the right to vary the rules of any competition, promotion or any prizes offered or cancel any competition if we are no longer able to run the competition due to reasons beyond our control, subject to State or Territory legislation. We will not be liable for any losses to any party arising from any variation or cancellation.


These Competition Terms are subject to the laws of Queensland. Any disputes will be governed by and subject to mediation and the laws of this State.

All Competition Terms are binding in the individual States and Territories of Australia to the extent they do not conflict with the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 or any individual State or Territory laws. In the event of any conflict with any law of any State or Territory, or if a term or part of a term is illegal or unenforceable, it is deemed to be severed from these Competition Terms and the remaining terms continue in force.